Discussions in Paris on the 'Truly Reclaimed' label ranged from provenance to Pokemon

Posted on | By Thornton Kay
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Paris (75), France
Salvo is keen to hear readers' views on the proposed 'Truly Reclaimed' label which was thought up by Salvo in 2016 and has now been adopted as part of the FCRBE FutuREuse project.
A wide-ranging round-table discussion was held at CSTB in Paris on 10th December by the project partners which ran through ideas and issues from augmented reality 'Pokemon' tags to verified chain of custody certificates.
An open source public web page has been created on the debategraph platform where more than 200 ideas, topics and issues can be viewed. All views sent to us will be added to the map. Salvo is also inviting people to register and add their own ideas. We aim to incorporate workable ideas but cannot guarantee to do so.
How to see and contribute to the map
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The link debategraph.org/trulyreclaimed19 opens a map of over 200 issues about Truly Reclaimed.
The map can be viewed on a phone, tablet or computer using the link above. Items on the map marked with an asterisk* open to blue positions, green positive points and red negative points.
To see the whole map open the link, go to the menu top right and select Views > Tree > Radial > All and adjust the slider to fit the whole image into your bowser window. Reload the page or the link if the browser freezes.
Please send comments by email to thornton.kay(at)salvo.co.uk
How to edit the map
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The map can be edited by anyone who has been given permission by Salvo.
To edit the map first register as a user top right at Login > Register
Inform Salvo by emailing thornton.kay(at)salvo.co.uk
Salvo will then create a user for editing the map.
Plans for 2020
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This page will be circulated to all 5,000 newsletter readers, as well as other stakeholders.
We plan to hold one or two trade workshops (possibly in February) to explain and discuss Truly Reclaimed. The workshops will either be actual meetings or online discussions.
A 'kick-off meeting' will follow (in Brussels in March?) to discuss the outcomes of the preliminary consultation.
The plan is to agree a timetable for the launch of the Truly Reclaimed scheme.
The truly reclaimed idea was proposed by Salvo in 2014 due to increasing amounts of fake reclaimed lookalike products made from new materials. Corporate businesses in the hospitality sector, which from the late 1970s had been enthusiastic reusers of salvage, started to 'get the look' from fake reclaimed as a cheaper way to flag their fake green credentials to clientele and customers.
In 2015 a successful application was made for a small government grant but, after the first stage was completed, in 2016 the government scrapped the funding and the Truly Reclaimed project was shelved. In 2017, Rotor, our FCRBE project partners in Brussels, approached Salvo about resuming the truly reclaimed proposal.
'Truly Reclaimed' will be one of Salvo's major contributions to the EU FCRBE project aimed at increasing the reuse of architectural salvage and reclaimed building material by 50% in the UK and northwest Europe. It aims to have a major impact on the market for genuine reclaimed products.
Our idea for the truly reclaimed label was that it would start, perhaps in the hospitality sector, using something like QT tags fixed discretely to reclaimed timber, bricks, stone, concrete, and metalwork, telling the story of the material and the building it came from as well as the carbon consequences and of reusing it. Our partners in the FCRBE project would also like it to become the basis for a workable chain of custody system.
Please contact us if you would like to contribute, would like to attend a meeting or online workshop, or would simply like to be kept informed by emailing thornton.kay(at)salvo.co.uk or by phoning 01227 500485.
DebateGraph.org: Truly Reclaimed

Story Type: News