How to include reclaimed timber in design

Posted on | By Sara Morel aka Reclaimed Woman
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Essex, UK
Eco-requirements in construction briefs are on the rise and this is set to continue given that the UK Parliament declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in April 2019. Reclaimed materials must account for a bigger part of the sustainable solutions pie than they currently do, and practical advice about how to reuse materials is essential. With over thirty years of heritage, Ashwells brings its expertise in reclaimed tropical timber and temperate British hardwoods for a new guide targeted at architects, designers and specifiers. See the link below to get the new eBook "How to include reclaimed tropical timber in sustainable design" with examples of reuse in action.
Ashwells Reclaimed Timber also provides Continuous Professional Development (CPD) workshops, educating on the range of tropical hardwood and temperate hardwoods available to make it easier for design and construction businesses to demonstrate sustainable design best practice. The new eBook also takes readers through the heritage, different properties and ideal usage for the reclaimed tropical timbers available, but you can also get in touch directly to find out more or arrange a CPD session.
See this link to download the eBook: How to include reclaimed tropical timber in sustainable design

Story Type: News