Dalby Forest reclaimed drystone wall maze

Posted on | By Thornton Kay
North Yorkshire, UK
Friends of Dalby Forest and drystone waller Mark Ellis are building a reclaimed stone walled maze. When complete, it will be the largest dry stone wall construction in the world, incorporating more than 4,000 tonnes of largely reclaimed stone.
Some old drystone walls carry the initials of the proud waller who built it. His face may have long since been forgotten but his name lives on, neatly carved in the corner of a weathered stone. Time moves on but the wall stands still. These thoughts inspired the 'carve your own initialled stone' workshop.
The Dry Stone Wall Maze is a partnership project between Mark Ellis, who conceived the idea, Friends of Dalby Forest and the Forestry commission. The Maze sits at the heart of Dalby Forest. Built by Mark Ellis and other local dry stone wallers, the maze will measure 80 x 80 metres, with walls 2m high and 1m wide at the base. The maze has been aligned with the sunrise on the Summer Solstice.
The project is being largely funded by public donations. You can pay for a stone, or buy a block carved with your initials or those of a loved one. Or you can join a stone carving workshop and inscribe a stone yourself.
Drystone wall maze: Buy a stone

Story Type: News