Pantheon of Greek gods family tree

Posted on | By Thornton Kay
California, USA
A visual family tree of the panoply of Greek gods, from Chaos to the Olympians and beyond, appears on a handy webpage with a graphic made from a PowerPoint file created by Ivan Kozik, a USA programmer, using Wikipedia as the source information.
The ppt file can be downloaded, amended and resent to Ivan for uploading.
I looked into adding Daemons, and in particular Agathodaemon - spouse of Tyche, but on a Mac using Keynotes I could not find room and thought that changing it from .ppt to .key and back again was impolite as that could introduce formatting problems.
STOP PRESS: Ivan has just given permission for SalvoNEWS to turn this into a collaborative Google Doc which can appear on the web, all of which should happen soon.
Ivan Kozik: Greek gods family tree
Theoi: The Pantheon - intro to the Greek gods

Story Type: News