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Ashwells Reclaimed Timber

Salvo Code members Ashwells are prime supplies of reclaimed greenheart beams and other hardwoods, such as purpleheart, ekki, opepe, jarrah and elm, salvaged from docks and wharves, marine installations, coastal defences, piles, groynes and slipways. Ashwells also rescues storm-felled large hardwood tree trunks and can provide a chain of custody from the source of all of their timber.

The onsite sawmill is able to supply a cutting list service for landscapers, architects, designers and engineers, for example, a kit-form frame for export as a large house for a client in the Caribbean. Beams, slab and plank, sawn or live edge, up to 10m or longer usually available. Ornamental 100 year old hand-forged ironwork and wood sculptural pieces, for example pyramid pile caps are also sold as examples of their bespoke service. Ashwells manufactures bollards, seating, planters, log benches and signage with extremely durable reclaimed tropical and temperate hardwood timbers.

Involved with reuse for over 50 years and specialising in tropical hardwood reclamation for the last 20 years with award winning projects, Ashwells is a resource and they share what they know - working closely with talented landscape designers, architects and project managers.

  • Listing ID: 9523
  • Business ID: 2078
  • Date of listing: 9-08-2005