Life In Squares,BBC Drama,The Bloomsbury Set Berwick Churchdoors
£ 1,496.25
Oak Victorian reclaimed church doors. Removed from St Michaels and All Angels church in Berwick East Sussex, located at the foot of the South Downs. These doors have Provenance and formed part of the church during 1941 when the famous Bloomsbury Set lead by artist Duncan Grant, was painting his Byzantine murals in the church. Duncan Grant; who lived close by in Charleston House with the sister of Virginia Woolf Vanessa Bell painted most of the church under the commission of Bishop Bell. The church doors survived a doodle bug air raid during the Second World War, which destroyed much of the East wall if the church.
- Business Name:Historic Doors
- Contact Name:Stick
East Sussex
Natewood Farm, Polegate Road Hailsham, BN27 3PH 0800 747 1 747
07885114233 - Category: Doors & Handles
- Age: More than 50 years old
- Listing ID: 7032
- Date of listing: 13-03-2017