Narrow cupboard with shelves, and drawers
Narrow cupboard with shelves, and drawers above and below (set into skirting). SIDE PANNELS Dimensions 2205X625, TOP PANNEL Dimensions 985X625, DOWN PANNEL Dimensions 985X625, BACK PANNEL Dimensions 2180X1000, DOORS L & R Dimensions 1840X507, TOP COMPARTMENT Dimensions 1105X385X625, TOP COMPARTMENT PANNEL Dimensions 1100X375, DOWN COMPARTMENT Dimensions 1100X375, INSIDE FITTING Dimensions 985X485, INSIDE FITTING Dimensions 985X590, WARDROBE SLIDERS. FULL SET Dimensions 2640X1025X590. Box Reference F13G/SET 27
- ID40077
- Business Name:Salvo specials
UK > London East
+44 7971 217842
+44 7971 217842 - Location: London East > UK
- Category: Architectural Woodwork & Panelling