Regence Fireplace Chimney Piece - Mantel
€ 4,200 each plus VAT
Quantity in stock: 1
Ref S00168 : French Regence chimneypiece, mantel, in excellent fine quality limestone with pinkish vein. Dimensions: width 165cm (65ins), ht 120cm (38ins). Firebox : width 135cm (53ins) x ht 100cm (39ins). Front-to-back of side jambs approx 60cm (23ins). Export document supplied.
We can request a delivery quote to your UK address (or overseas). Now « post-Brexit » there's no French VAT to add.
GOOD NEWS: BCA's reclaimed antique materials have the commodity code indicating they are ANTIQUE, and consequently UK Customs are allowing (so far so good) the reduced UK VAT rate of 5% on import. Purchasing through a GB VAT registered company is ideal. However for private clients GB VAT is paid at the UK Customs clearance phase prior to end-delivery. The transport firm with their UK Customs broker facilitate this, and it seems trouble free.
- Business Name:BCA Materiaux Anciens
- Contact Name:David
Maine-et-Loire (49)
+33 (0)607 019 026
- Category: Chimneypieces, Fireplaces & Grates
- Age: More than 50 years old
- Listing ID: 36697
- Date of listing: 6-01-2023