RECOVERED: Stolen Victorian Terracotta Pillar Pier
This Victorian Terracotta Pier was over 120 years old and stolen from our garden wall on Friday 10th June, 2022. It is 55cm square and has a small pinnacle on the top.
Also if any salvage supplier has one of these piers we would be pleased to purchase it to complete our garden wall that has been in place for over 120 years.
To contact the Police in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland Telephone: 101 and quote the Crime reference number.
- Alt Contact:Reported to West Midlands Police at their Brierley Hill Station on 10/06/2022
- Stolen from:Stourbridge. West Midlands UK
- Stolen date:10 June 2022
- Crime reference:20/541521/22
- Location: West Midlands > UK
- Category: Architectural Stone & Terracotta
- Listing ID: 35493
- Date of listing: 13-06-2022