THEFT ALERT: Arms and Finial of iconic red-painted cast iron Fingerpost at Rd Post, near Bude in Cornwall
Arms and Finial have been stolen from a well-known local red signpost at Red Post, near Bude in Cornwall, leaving the post. This has created much upset locally, and a reward has been offered by the Red Post Inn and Hurst Construction for safe recovery. The theft has been reported in local Radio and in the local Press.
To contact the Police in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland Telephone: 101 and quote the Crime reference number: 031483/21
- ID32992
- Alt Contact:01288 381814
- Stolen fromRed Post
- Stolen date16 April 2021
- Crime reference031483/21
- Location: Warwickshire > UK
- Category: Shop, Pub, Church, Telephone Boxes & Bygones