Pitch Pine Parquet - Reclaimed 100% Quarter-sawn
£ 110 per sq m plus VAT
Reclaimed Heart Pine or Pitch Pine Parquet Woodblocks – Fully cleaned, machined and kiln dried for export or within Europe.
100% Quarter-Sawn, quite beautiful timber. Antique 170 years old woodblocks reclaimed from St. Mary’s Primary School - 1879 - in Leytonstone, London.
This price includes Kiln-Drying to 9-11% Moisture Content + all old bitumen removed from backs of blocks - so the blocks are brought to one nominal thickness - ready for laying and sanding.
These blocks have been processed and machined to an EXPORT grade, for shipping to the USA or anywhere through-out the world.To achieve this we have removed all bitumen from the edges and the block ends - if needs be by precision cross-cutting both ends- and have processed each block through our 6 cutter planing machine. In this way we bring EVERY block to one uniform length, width and thickness. Please enquire for further details .
This Heart Pine is so rare and so unique that it is worth taking great pains to bring every single Reclaimed Woodblock back for reuse. This was a specification used in Victorian times.No knots were allowable and the grain had to be perfectly parallel within each block. It was used extensively throughout Schools, Old Hospitals, Churches and other Public Buildings from 1870 through to approx 1910.
The wastage to achieve this quality of these Quarter-Sawn Woodblocks, would simply not be permitted today.
This wood is unique and it is worth struggling to reuse it. With our processing the woodblocks lay up almost as new, perfect straight grain, simple to lay. Our images show these export grade blocks - laid but not yet sanded. Blocks cut exactly to size to ensure this 52m2, complicated, stagger stretcher bond was laid and bordered in 3 days. If you need to discuss the degree of cleaning and machining required for your project ..... please enquire.
- Business Name:Antique Wooden Floors Ltd
- Contact Name:Declan Molloy
07774 931217
- Category: Flooring
- Age: More than 50 years old
- Listing ID: 26939
- Date of listing: 13-11-2019