Bust of CALIGULA (Recovered 31 May 2001 TI)
Carved white marble BUST OF CALIGULA, as a Roman soldier with damascened armour, wreath on his head, the inscribed socle with a foliate border, cracked through with three metal armatures, possibly French 17th century.
Stolen from Chantry, Frome, Somerset, England on 25 May 2001
<font size="5" color="red"><b>RECOVERED</b></font>
- Stolen from:Frome, Somerset
- Stolen date:25 May 2001
- Crime reference:F91002505200101
- Number of items recovered:1
- Location: Somerset > UK
- Location: Kent > UK
- Category: Statuary
- Listing ID: 15689
- Date of listing: 30-05-2001