bardage fond de wagon sapin - reclaimed pine wagon boards
€ 0
Réf 01272 : Bardage en fond de wagon sapin dédoublé, épaisseur environ 17mm, toutes largeurs, toutes longueurs. Photo D : exemple de traitement brossé.
BCA ref 01272 : Re-sawn pine railway wagon boards, sawn to thickness approx 17mm (0.66 inch), mixed widths and lengths, used here for interior rustic wall and partition cladding. EG, photo D shows how to surface brush them using rotary brush hand tool.
Price on demand.
- Business Name:BCA Materiaux Anciens
- Contact Name:David
Maine-et-Loire (49)
+33 (0)607 019 026
- Category: Architectural Woodwork & Panelling
- Age: More than 50 years old
- Listing ID: 1242
- Date of listing: 14-12-2011